信息来源: http://hqldsb.cn 时间:2019-02-09 14:38:10
Pharmaceutical chemical equipment installation engineering, equipment quality issues related to the safe operation of machinery and equipment behind, years of work experience to let us know the device when necessary to do the following elements:
第一:安全间隔要紧记 所谓的安全间隔就是指暴露带电体相间和对地的空间间隔,它是确保设备安全运转的首要的条件。各种不一样电压等级的安全的间隔,都有相应的国家标准,操作人员都有必要紧记,并在装置过程中严格执行。
First: the safe interval must bear in mind that the so-called safety interval refers to the exposure of the charged body and white space, it is the first condition to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. A variety of different safety interval of voltage level, have the corresponding national standard, the operator has to remember, and in the strict implementation of the process of device.
第二:按图施工要做到 施工图纸是装置作业的根据,有必要严格按电路图或是接线图施工。假如施工人员对图纸有贰言,有必要向规划人员提出,经规划人员解说或出具规划书面更改图纸并签字后方能持续施工。不能够自个私行更改图纸,盲目的施工。
Second: according to the construction drawings to do the construction drawings is the basis for the operation of the device, it is necessary to strictly according to the circuit diagram or wiring diagram construction. If the construction personnel have two words on the drawings, it is necessary to put forward to the planning staff, the staff issued by the planning or planning drawings and written change signed by continuous construction. Can not change from a private line drawings, blind construction.
第三:元件装置要标准 在装置各种不一样标准和用处的元器件时,除应满足有关国家标准的规则外,尚须契合元件自身的技能要求,否则就不能确保其安全运转。
Third: device to device in a variety of different standards and use standard components, shall meet the relevant national standards rules, still must fit their component skill requirements, otherwise it can not ensure its safe operation.
第四:元件安置要规整 元件的安置要合理,做到横平竖直,规整美观。假如不能做到这一点,即便电路规划完美,元件挑选恰当,也不行能成为一件好的产品。
Fourth: the installation of components to regulate the placement of components to be reasonable, so horizontal vertical, regular and beautiful. If you can not do this, even if the circuit is perfect, the appropriate selection of components, but also can not be a good product.
第五:便于维修要思考 机电设备投入运转后,需求定期小修或大修,不能因元件装置方位的不当形成维修的艰难。
Fifth: maintenance easy to think of electromechanical equipment put into operation after regular repair or overhaul demand, not because of improper form maintenance device range of difficult.
第六:医药化工设备安装完毕要清洗 工程施工完毕,应确保设备的清洗,铲除与设备运转无关的一切杂物,养成良好的工作习惯。
Sixth: pharmaceutical chemical equipment installation to complete the cleaning engineering construction, should ensure that the equipment cleaning, remove all equipment and operation of all things, to develop good working habits.